Farmers Nationwide Rally for Wheat Purchase and Justice: Calls for Government Action


Farmers across Pakistan rallied to demand action from the government regarding wheat purchase and the apprehension of those involved in the wheat scandal. Demonstrations took place in various districts, including Lahore, Multan, Karachi, and Peshawar, among others. In Lahore, protesters gathered at Charing Cross on The Mall, urging the Punjab government to initiate wheat procurement from growers. The protesters presented a list of demands, including the immediate commencement of grain purchase, regulation of markets to ensure fair prices, and compensation for farmers affected by the wheat scandal. Smallholder farmers expressed distress over the government’s failure to purchase wheat, leading to a crash in the grain market and hindering their ability to plant subsequent crops. Demonstrators called for action against individuals exploiting small farmers through usurious lending practices. Key figures addressing the Lahore demonstration included Saima Zaa, Rifat Maqsood, and Qamar Abbas. Heavy police presence was observed during the protest.


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